how to see // 12.03.2002


i wish my face were not so telling
and at the same time
how much is actually told?
perhaps my perception of another's reception
is less than apparent
and so manifests itself in this way
the game of communication arts
less of a craft and more
of expectations
and presuppositions
and a mingling of large absenses of intellegence
undefined, unwritten rules
and not knowing whether to look
sideways, face front, or reverse
positive or negative space
concrete or abstract
any idea of how to introspect
has become extrospective
how can we know who we are without comparison?
and identity without understanding the contrast?
yet i've presupposed that irrelovence
and denied emotion, and sought to withstand
everyone else's sight, perception, judgement, comparison

in a room speckled with green and
brown side-tabled chairs
there is one red with no table
there is one yellow with
and out of all this why do i notice?
or make certain to choose?
while jumping annoyingly, apprehensively in the small mind spaces
someone come in here and see me,
know me,
and choose the red chair. (why?)

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