speaking to a child // March 15, 2001


like speaking to a child i hear you whisper,

"dont you think I know whats best for you?" yes Lord, yes-You know.

and amidst my cries and pleas i hear-

"dont you think I know whats best for you?"

and louder than my fears, i say-yes Lord, You know

To the Lord who made the heavens and the whole Earth the mountains and the seas

The Lord who has spared my soul

whose kindness has led me to repentence

Yes Lord, yes- you know

To think-this is the 1st and only time im trying this..to live that is

(a novelty)

and You, O God You have made trillions and trillions of lives

and led them

so, within my passions and desires for him,

so, within my anxiousness

and fears of leaving , im crying because people i love will change

i cry out to You Lord,

O my King!

Yes Lord, yes, You know

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