follow the narrow // February 27, 2001


there is such an emptiness in you

and for these 45 minutes or so we hear how searching your heart is

after what can satisfy

what your looking for

is ever before you

but i find it hard to show you

hard to explain

what can satisfy and fill your soul

is Christ alone

seems too narrow for you?

just to say i believe there is something bigger

is comfortable

but almost more empty

then nothing at all

because we cant see the fullness of God

except in His Son, Christ Jesus

please can i tell you this

will you open your heart to Him

widen your heart to follow the narrow

because there is such an emptiness in you

i can see right through it

and all these words that you love

that we discuss

that passion

God put it there

immerse yourself in His Word

let it consume your mind

its bigger than those ideas

its everlasting and eternal

transcending time

bigger than we can concieve


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