strawberry milk // February 11, 2001





i see you in strawberry milk, even when its fat-free

i see you in smiles, looking down, eyes closed, laughing

i feel you in rain drops in a green shirt thats too big under my pillow

i hear you in humming and whistling and what Paul writes in Romans

i see you tripping in sandals in shorts when its 15 degrees in december

i feel you in big rocks under my tires, in long hugs and being late to class in florida state games camping trips a description of the beach and walking up the street in music and women t.v. evangelists in a dried rose on my desk

stickshifts Lowe's and lap belts, in 3rd day concerts and a cheezy eighty's movie, and whenever i hear the word "courtship"

sarcasm, and when someone holds the door for me

i see you in cough medicine in bowling allies and barnes&nobles

missing movies veggietales and rap core

Q-zar and swing dancers and babies and little kids

and not knowing how to say goodbye

and not ever wanting to...




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