lovelorn // 01.10.2002


i didnt expect this would be a sick day

it is

the effects

of waking feeling...

and then lying down.

i lay it down

i lay it down

i have no answer for us.

id write my will so large so dark

to scratch it out

to tear it apart

to be free from

all i know how to show

are drops of nothing

i know nothing

i want to hold you and apologize for

the hurt i could have prevented

if i never wrote you back

if i disregarded my heart

so is it over

are we done

or will i face

these years

in love

and learn the lesson i so earnestly lamented

"it is so happy to love even if one is not loved in return"

i turn to You.

how loud can i scream

how long can i rage

on in this

i cant spell

what this is called

to be so angry and scared

hurt and broken

all at once

this isnt some formula

we can derive

im not laughing

dont leave me today

but i cant say anything

but i cant go

but i cant stay

dig the knife deeper

i handed it to you

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