we have to be equal // 2001-05-01


i want to be your equal
your sister
but it doesnt feel like your letting me
like you dont want to let me be
more than a student
and you've said it again and again
that you want all i talk about to be God
i want you to know i want that too
thats all i feel like i do talk about

except when im talking about my struggles
but i thought as a brother
you need to know
you want to know

im hurting
more than if you left me stranded
more than heart break
because i feel like im being treated
like an infant
dont forget that i am a Christian
please dont ignore that we're in the same place
dont dismiss that you are my equal
maybe these hurts are simply my misinterpertation of
your motives, so pure
the devil wants to steal the encouragement you've spoken
he cant
he wont
because i take it all to heart
im just scared of this triangle of Jesus at the top
and you and me at the bottom
may begin to hardly resemble a triangle
in your eyes

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